January 3, 2025 ☼ Letters

You have been here before, at a start. A blank page before you. Thoughts floating around your mind. 

You first began writing in elementary school—fan fiction of your interests. Your first completed notebook is a story starting with the origins of Batman and Robin, with subsequent chapters featuring Kevin Nash and the NWO. You were so young and naive. 

As you matured and the internet became widely accessible, you started a blog. The first online space where you’d share your writing for more than five years. It felt good to continuously share your thoughts and interests online. People were reading your words again. 

Then life got underway, and you focused on starting your career. You let your writing aspirations fizzle out. Constantly telling yourself you’d come back to writing. Someday. 

Through the years, you tried to kickstart it again. You’d start a blog or writing concept, only to realize you didn’t want to dedicate time to them after a while. Never giving your projects enough time to take hold or develop into something. Someday.

You always told yourself, Someday. The vagueness was intentional. You had no plan nor timeline, so Someday could come tomorrow or never.

Then, you finally chose to stop lying. To pick up the pen and get to work. Leaving the gimmicks behind and just getting back to doing what you love. Sharing your writing with the world, regardless of who may read it.

You hope people enjoy your words. You hope they learn a thing or two about you or your interests. You hope they even enjoy your stories once those start coming out, too.

You are eager to get back to writing. You are starting over.